Wine has wisdom
Beer has strength
Water has bacteria
I have that on a shirt.
Everything has a silver lining. At the moment I can't think of any because I am hungry and the garden is calling me.
This seems apropos for the day, which is rainy here in Portland.
This morning the water department sent out a boil-water order due to e.coli found in water samples.
My first thought: Good thing we have beer!
There is sometimes a funny bright side to things.
But seriously, have you found any good ways to make lemonade out of the not-so-sour lemons life hands you?
We were lucky, it sounds like the health department is predicting no serious illness from the bacteria, likely due to dilution, but I'm still glad I sent Kiddo to school with a water bottle filled with peppermint tea.Our city's tap water is usually great, and we do have bottled water around for emergencies.
Have a good afternoon. :)
Oops, I posted this as 'local" on accident!
Julie S, too true!
Marla, thanks so much for the offer. We got the 'all clear' a couple hours ago,which was fine because I could pretend I was camping with all the boiling water for washing and such, but without the campfire and marshmallows, not quite the same. :)
Wine has wisdom
Beer has strength
Water has bacteria
I have that on a shirt.
Everything has a silver lining. At the moment I can't think of any because I am hungry and the garden is calling me.
Beer! One of my favorite things! It's easy to make a lemon sweet with beer in hand..,...
I was feeling really heavy the other day - my period was coming. I kept feeling like Sisyphus, and like life was just so heavy. Then I decided to just take a breath and attend. A kid asked for something, I moved, and I remembered: life is amazing.
My irises opened today. It's always a good day when you have flowers. The roses should open in another few days. I can't wait. I love may. I love June. I wish it could always be spring. I love my garden. It's never a bad day when it's nice outside and I can just be. I'm going to have a hard time leaving my yard if we end up moving. I've puts hundreds of hours of misery into it's soil.
I garden. I sit. I drink. I breathe.
I was subbing in a 6th grade class yesterday when they made the announcement. So many scared kids. We had to look it up, talk about boiling water, what boiling water looks like, etc... Why did EVERYONE get so thirsty that they were driving me crazy? I mean usually one person might ask to get a drink. But 30? Really? What's up with that?
So, good thing about this? I live in Wood Village and my water is fine.
Oh, and if you need some let me know.
Our motto we need to put on our family crest:
Catastrophe narrowly averted by disaster.
It could always be worse! =)