Take her back to the Doctor and make sure that the Doctor checks her ears and all of the things that they need to check for. You are doing a great job for her keep up the good work.
If you do not have a humidifier then you should go to
Wal-Mart and pick up a cool mist humidifier. Put A SMALL AMOUNT OF BABY VICKS on your daughter’s chest and back.
Hold her as much as she wants and I would keep her in my bed with me to make sure that her breathing is good through out the night.
Try to give her water and give her as much as she will take.
Talk to the Doctor and ask the Doctor if her Temp. gets as high as 102.5 or higher if HE / OR SHE ( the Doctor ) wants you to give her Motrin and Tylenol at the same time to bring down the fever.
To help bring down the fever give her a cool bath. Start it out like room temp water and then a tiny bit cooler but do not give her a COLD bath because it will put her in a shock. She can stay in the bath for about 20 to 40 minutes or as long as she can take it. She might only be able to be in the bath for a few minutes depending on how sick she feels and how bad her body aches.
When you go to the store to look for a cool mist humidifier, look for BE COOL PATCHES those are cool patches to put on her forehead or back or chest to help keep her cool.
Keep a close eye on her and comfort her as much as you can.
Give her lots of love. LOTS of hugs and kisses.
Take her outside for some fresh air and so that she can get some sun.
I wish you the best and most important PRAY to GOD for her and for Great health.