I know don't if this is the case with you, but I'll share my experience with you. Maybe it will help, maybe it won't.
A friend and a rekindled a friendship that was defunct for a long time. No beef, just lost contact. She told me she was married and life was great. Well, come to find out, she is married to a closet (well as closeted as A. alcoholic can be) alcoholic. He made her cut off her friends, and just barely let her talk to me.
Now, when he was giving her grief, she was calling me, telling me how much he sucked, she was tired of him, she was leaving and it was over. OK. I'm getting worked up and worried, letting her stay with me, and getting my family in it too. Thennnn, two days later they would "talk" and things were never better. Then they would fight again, then she's calling again, and I'm annoyed again, and they're back together again. It was aggravating, and too dramatic. After a while, I got really mad and told her exactly how I felt. I felt used and taken advantage of. Suddenly, I'm jealous of her relationship (yeah, RIGHT).
We never officially ended our friendship, but I have no real desire to speak to her anymore for lots of reasons. She'll probably say I'm a negative Nancy, but in reality, I was trying to talk some sense into her. Some people would just humor her and give lip service, but I was really trying to help. And in that, I would get frustrated. I have since learned to leave all the drama alone and just worry about myself and my family.
I can't tell you what to do about your friendship, but I always encourage people to look at what they did to cause a relationship to go south, and to take ownership of what they done. You can only control yourself.