I was working part time when we got pregnant with our first child. Childcare is very expensive & as it worked out, it was cheaper for me to stay home. We cut corners where we could (reduced cell phone plans, cable at basic level, set heat so it runs less electric, wash clothes at night). I found I make/eat more home cooked meals which also saves money. We shop for all sale items & stock up when we can to save trips to store & money on gorceries. Coupons help too. Ous worst case scenerio happened 4 months after my son was born- my husband lost his job due to downsizing. He was out of full time work for over a year & just recently started a new job. We are expecting our daughter in 2 weeks, so this is perfect timing. The bills did stack up quickly & what little savings we had went within 2 months, but we were lucky to have supportive family who helped where they could. We also sold things we thought we couldn't part with, but looking back I have to really think about what made the item so special. Having a child puts life & what is important in true perspective for you. It will be rocky, but if you decided to stay home, the emotional benefits outweight everything else (atleast it does for us). One thing most people don't realize about staying home is the emotional strain it will cause on all relationships. My husband & I made the choice together, but for me not working was hard. I have worked since I was 16 & relying on someone else was a hard adjustment for me. I felt useless, bored & lonely. I had no adult communication so felt shut off from the world (this made my post partum depression worse). I decided to do something, so I joined a playgroup & it helped me & my son a lot. Having 1 income put more pressure on my husband, which caused strain. We talk about it often so it helps, but it is something to consider. Good luck. -S.-