Seeking Daycare for My 5 Year Old Son

Updated on October 11, 2006
C.E. asks from Avon, IN
4 answers

i am currently seeking daycare for my 5 year old son before and after school. i'm usually looking for inhome daycare but any day care would be very helpful. if anyone knows of any it'd be greatly appreciated. thanks!

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answers from Indianapolis on

i have a home daycare. what side of town do you live on? i live in perry township and know people that babysit in other townships. you can call me at ###-###-####. thanks N.



answers from Indianapolis on

My son goes to a home day care called Kelly's Tots. Its off 91st and Ditch.
She is awesome and my son loves it there.
Also, she does drop off and pick ups for working parents.
Her number is ###-###-####.
Good luck!



answers from Indianapolis on

Don't know where you are located, but I know that there is a great daycare in Greenwood. Little Angels Daycare at White River Baptist Church on Demaree Rd. Phone number is: ###-###-####.



answers from Indianapolis on

I have been using the same daycare provider for 4+ years. She lives on the northwest side and does it from her home. She has a nice home and the backyard is fenced in and is totally geared for children. Email me back and I can give you her number if you are interested. I highly recommend her. She has NEVER let me down.

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