First off which daughter is doing this ? If it is the 8 yr.old or 11 year old they know better.If it is the 3 year old she needs to be told that if she wants money she should ask for it and tell you for what.If it is the older girls they may just want money for school or to carry around as many kids get unheard of amounts of allowances these days. I got .50 cents a week in grade school and worked for every cent of it.Back then it would buy 10 candy bars if I wanted.They were .05 cents each. The food sneaking seems to me pretty normal.A lot of kids do this as they are sometimes afraid to eat too much in front of others.Thus get teased by friends. Girls especially because every one thinks skinny is so cool.Or it is possible the food thing is just a comfort zone, that can become dangerous if she becomes over weight.Children today are under so much pressure to be like every one else, even back in the 60's it was there, but I was a rebel, I wore hand me down clothes and almost never had candy or soda pop or any kind of junk food as my parents didn't allow it and we were pretty poor also.My hand me downs were soft and itch free and were from my aunt who was only 3 years older and her clothes still looked new I was wearing better clothes than the doctors children and happily passed them on to my smaller friends as I out grew them.
You really need to put a stop to the stealing though, punishments work well , but we took my sister to the police station at 3 1/2 after she stole something and she never stole again.