I agree with what the other ladies said. IF that doesn't work, you may want to think of the old ways. I know MANY of you will think this might be horrible, but please remember the respect that children had for their parents and teachers up to about 20 years ago. Very important for children to respect others. I say what I think, it's just the way I am. So here go'es.
We had a big problem with my oldest son while in kindergarden. He was hitting the teacher and other children with his bookbag everyday. Each day she would send him home with a note. My husband sat him down and told him that hurting others was not nice. Everyday he came home with a note for hitting, he was going to get a taste of his own medicine. OK CALM DOWN! NOT A BEATING! NOT ABUCE! Just a little swap on the behind to show him how being hit hurt others. He knew what to expect and knew what was going to happen if he continued his behavior. He is 23 now and we have never had a problem with him since. All we had to do was give him "THE LOOK". If you don't know what that is, it is the expression on a parents face just before a child has gone too far.
As a result of these couple of days, he has always been a straight A student and is a very self asured young man of 23 today. He was hired by a computer company at 14, but the owner didn't know he saw only 14 and told him to come back as soon as he was 15. He has held the same job since he then and is going to college now. To top things off he has had his own computer repair business for a few years now and is doing very well for himself.
He is a very respectful young man. Has good manors, holds and opens doors for others, etc. He never uses bad language, even when he thinks he is alone. It is kind of funny to hear a 6' 2" man say "Oh shoot!" when something goes wrong.