With my first I was dilated to 3 and 50% effaced by 35 weeks. My son came early at 37 weeks. I had an epidural, labored for 12 hours, pushed for about 20 minutes (3 pushes, I think). All in all pretty easy.
My second was going to be a scheduled induction because she was a week late; they planned to schedule it for 10 days overdue. On my 7th day overdue I did some jumping jacks (I know, in retrospect not the smartest idea) and started labor.
I asked for my epidural, but couldn't get it because she was turned and I had to work to get her back in position. I finally got my epidural after 3 hours. Total labor was 7 hours, pushed once and she was out.
All in all the second time was much easier, even though the epidural was late and only partially effective. I knew what to do, how to get through the contractions, and was more willing to try alternative labor methods (ball, shower, etc). I was also more outspoken the second time around about what I wanted, which helped because I felt more in control.
Congratulations! And remember every birth experience is unique. You'll handle this little girl's arrival fine!