I'm also 39 weeks with #2. I feel your pain - I'm tired of being pregnant also. I was induced with #1 at 40 weeks and 3 days. It was the most awful thing that ever happened to me in my life, thus far. I was supposedly 70% effaced and dialated to 2 at the time. I was told by the OB that I was "post-due" and my placenta would start to deteriorate. I was also told that I would have a 10 lb baby. Guess what? Not so much...
My induction began with 12 hours of cervadil in the hospital. After that, they hooked me up to pitocin and I had terrible contractions that supposedly "ended" according to the monitor but to me felt as if a vise grip was squeezing my entire abdomin and NEVER stopped. I know now that in "natural labor" there is a break in between contractions. I had none - for almost 18 hours. At some point, my OB broke my water with a hook to try to get things moving along. Super painful procedure! I went without an epidural for the first 14 hours of pitocin. I was a complete wreck - the only thing that might compare is middle ages torture. When I begged for an epidural I got one - and a catheter - and was basically immobilized from that point on. After another 4 hours (the epidural helped but did NOT take the pain away), I was told that the baby was in distress and if I didn't want a dead baby, I would need a c-section. We had the c-section - don't let anyone kid you, YES, you do feel it, my son was born at 6 pounds 4 oz (oops, maybe that sonogram due date wasn't as accurate as they claim) and he never learned to breastfeed. I tried to bf for over a month, struggling along with 3 different lactation consultants but he just never learned. I also got an infection in my incision - which meant extra time in the hospital and recovery was terrible. I couldn't get up to get my infant - couldn't climb stairs (we have a 2 story house), couldn't drive for 2 weeks, had scar pain for over a year.
I did ask my OB if induction would increase my chances of a c-section. She told me no - an out and out lie. Based on my situation at the time, the induction increased my chances of c-section by 50%.
You can read more online - if you haven't read A Thinking Women's Guide to a Better Birth - check out the author's website: http://hencigoer.com/articles/elective_induction/
I'm not telling you that I'm not in favor of induction - but I am saying understand exactly what you are getting into and be willing to accept the risks. I'm personally extremely tired of being pregnant but will go to 43 weeks if need be to avoid my own personal nightmare.