I was induced with my first two.
I would not recommend the pitocin at all.
With my first, she was already a few weeks overdue, and, I am very tiny. The doctor was worried about her getting too big, or, getting too far past due that she would start excreting feces into her water.
They broke my water about 7:00 a.m. I was progressing OK, but, they decided to try and hurry things along more about 11:00 a.m. because I was not dilating very quickly.
I was having contractions already, they were 5 minutes apart when I went in before breaking water, but, I could not even feel them. After the pitocin, I was miserable. It just does something not right to your body that is not fun. I did not even feel I needed an epidural until that, and, I was begging for one after that. Anyway, I had her at 1:10 p.m., just a couple hours after the pitocin, because it does speed things along.
With my second, I was dilating but that was it, so, my doctor felt we might want to induce because my body obviously does not kick start itself!
We went in, and, they broke my water about 8:00 a.m. I was going right along, not too quick, but, again, they felt they needed to give me that pitocin. I was feeling OK, and, not remembering my first experience, I thought I could handle it because I was feeling no pain. I was wrong, and, begging for an epidural again not long after the pitocin. I swear, it is a pain inducer. I had her about 11:05, again, just a couple hours after the pitocin was given to me.
Looking back, I would have been happy just breaking the water and going all day seeing what would have happened without the pitocin.
I have also heard of that other medication that the other lady mentioned below as being easier than the pitocin, so, I would ask about that as an alternative.
We are having our third in a couple months, and, should my body not go into labor itself again, I will request either the other medication, or, for them to be more patient and see how it goes with just breaking my water. The way I see it, as long as contractions are regular, and, you are dilating, (even if slowly), then, there is no need for the medication to "speed things up", especially if it induces pain.