Your daughter could go to church with her grandmother a thousand times, but that doesn't mean she'll be raised in the Catholic faith. That's up to YOU, her parent. I was raised Catholic. Now I have spiritual beliefs, but they have nothing to do with any organized Western religion. My FIL is a devout Muslim. So when my kids were young, I got it from both sides. My parents asking when I was going to baptize my kids, my FIL asking to take the kids to the mosque. I made it clear early on that 1) we were not raising them with any specific religion because that would be hypocritical of me - I personally do not believe, so I'm not pushing it on my kids 2) THEY, the grandparents, were welcome to take my kids to any mosque, church, temple, shrine that they wanted, I LOVE the idea of exposing my children to various religions and viewpoints and I LOVE the idea of the grandparents sharing a very personal experience with my children and bonding over it. I even sent my kids to Jewish pre-school, my one daughter to Catholic school for K and 1st and they've all been to a number of Islamic functions at the Mosque. But ask them what religion they are and they'll tell you: none. Here's what I've told my children: "Your grandfather is Muslim, we are not. But when you go to Mosque with him, you WILL be respectful and you WILL behave appropriately, same goes for when you're in a Church or Temple. I will not tolerate you being disrespectful in another person's house of worship." It's worked out just fine and I feel that there's been no undue influence on them by the grandparents since I'M the MAIN influence in their lives.