There are two schools of thought when getting rid of binkies: ease them into getting rid of them or go cold turkey, the way you went. My older son was a binky baby & we waited til he was 3 to get rid of it so he could understand it better. Well, no binky meant no nap! But I made my bed so that's how it went. He had no problems at night w/o it. When I tried to rid him of it at an earlier age & replace it w/a stuffed lovey, it didn't work, he wasn't ready. Luckily, shortly afterwords, he'd fallen in love w/a stuffed dog & today at 7 1/4 yrs, he still sleeps & travels w/Digby the dog. So, my suggestions: take your daughter shopping for a new lovey of her choice. My boys have both always fallen asleep to music, maybe you could try that. Start a new bed time routine: story in bed, prayers, cuddles or a short backrub, turn on some music & make your exit. Nothing too much as you don't want to be stuck in the same position in a few years of weaning her of something else. Be sure she knows she needs to stay in bed & that you'll check on her later. But the biggest piece of the puzzle here is to stay consistent....if you've given up the binky, then stick w/it, don't cave in & buy her more. Tell her again why you got rid of the binkies. Or maybe you can do a reward chart of some kind: every night she goes to sleep w/out crying for the binky she gets stars or stickers then after a certain amount, she gets some kind of a reward. Just stick to your guns & be strong! Good luck!