you know what? i was so scared about EVERYTHING....lead paint, blankets and SIDS, plastic tippy cups....i know how you's thing i did that has eased my mind is that i went all natural with lots of my life....when my toddler was one, i actually switched to cloth diapers after using disposable for a year...this was due to eco reasons, but also, i did wonder about those chemicals against her skin....
this change made me look to other areas in my life....i started checking out the environmental working group's website: skindeep
type in a soap or shampoo that you use and if it is rated a 1,2,3, it's better than those with proven bad stuff that are rated 8 or 9 or 10
and found some safe beauty products (i use california baby for myself and my girl, but there are other less expensive safe soaps and creams out there) i buy the same natural stuff over and over and don't waste time anymore looking for the best smelling stuff....that probably isn't so good for our skin anyway.....
next i switched to all green cleaning products, and i don't worry so much any more about my kid getting this or that in her mouth after i've cleaned it...
i try to buy safe toys.....and less of's i know are safe paint, like the toys from rosie hippo or nova natural, some habba toys from again, expensive, but less less less
after i "green'd" up a bit, i can't tell you what a relief it is for me and worrying....i still use a sling, and i had one of those cribs....if i have another kid, i'll just secure it so it doesn't drop down....
a funny book i read about this, i remember was, i remember the author freaking out about these same is hard....and she made me laugh about it.....i related to her
this blog is a good one to check out too:
good luck....and are more tough than you think....i've made it to three years of mommyhood now, and all that worrying....i can relate, but i have to say....i seriously thought that the fear of lead chips ingested was going to give me an ulcer....thank god i got through the putting stuff into the mouth we're on to holding onto the railing on the heart stops every time she goes down them, i swear! what a ride this all is!