Our Little Monster Is Turning One

Updated on June 27, 2011
L.A. asks from Kew Gardens, NY
5 answers

Ladies- our baby will be turning one in October. I though to have a monster themed party. I know that l.o. himself won't care one way or another, but I thought it would be fun for us, and for the cousins. Any ideas or suggestions for invitations, party foods, activities, and favors would be appreciated.

By monster, I don't mean anything terribly frightening, I mean the monster's inc kind of friendly monsters. We don't however want the whole thing to be too commercial, so we won't be buying any "character" sets.

Thanks a bunch.

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answers from Las Vegas on

Orientaltrading.com , Monster bash theme.

They are cute. I bought some stuff for my daughter's 2nd birthday. They have monster pops that I ordered that are so good and the kids love them. Plus everything comes in a dozen or half a dozen.

This is basic, but obviously more stuff if you do a search on their site for monster




answers from Washington DC on

Sesame Street - Elmo, Oscar, Zoe ...


answers from Kansas City on

I had a monster party for my two year old last year, a week after halloween it was such a blast. I bought a tent that zipped open that looked like a monster - and we put all the gift inside the monster's mouth, so the kids would not be too tempted to start ripping at the gifts. Walmart made us a dozen of brightly colored monster cupcakes for $8, which I placed on a cupcake stand in the middle of the table. I also allowed the kids to wear their halloween costumes again if they wanted to.

http://www.thepartyanimal-blog.org/monster-birthday-party... for ideas

http://www.orientaltrading.com/ui/search/processRequest.d... for cheap monster thingies

Have a blast!



answers from Honolulu on


My friend uses this place for her kids' birthdays all the time.
Good quality.
They have ALL kinds of themes.

Just put in the search box "monsters" and there will be cute things for this category. Kid appropriate. Not scary. Cute monsters.

They also have awesome personalized items.
REAL nice and good quality.
I still have the one's for my kids, from my friend's kids' party, in which she got the party things, from here.

All the best,

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