Niece's 21St Birthday on a Monday

Updated on November 17, 2012
J.C. asks from Old Monroe, MO
4 answers

My niece is going to be 21 on the Monday after Thanksgiving. She attends technical school & works, so she just wants everyone to meet up at the local bar to celebrate with her. Being a weeknight, her having school & the rest having work the next day, what are some things we can do to make it special? What type of cake, if any? We'll pick up some decorations. Her mom is kind of at a loss also. Being the holidays cost is sometihng to consider also. Thanks in advance!!

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answers from Sacramento on

Go a little early and have appetizers for dinner, then buy her drinks until she has had what she can responsibly handle. Call it a night!



answers from Chicago on

Sounds like she has the right idea.. My 21st all we did we go bar hopping. The simple fact of getting a drink in a bar is usually enough.



answers from Dallas on

If you are going to a bar there is no need to get decorations. You can get a cake if you want but more than likely she's just going to want to drink. For my 21st birthday that's what I did. She is not going to really care if she has school the next day. And don't feel like you have to be there the entire time if you have work the next day.


answers from Philadelphia on

hmm get her drunk? whats one day of missed school?=)

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