Welcome to the area! I can't help with doctor part other than to recommend Nurse Direct, which is in the phone book. They'll help you find a doctor but I'd still ask around. I just wanted to ask if you'd checked out any of the smaller towns clustered around Neenah/Appleton? I live in Omro, which is 8 miles west of Oshkosh, and I just love it. I know that Winneconne is about 5-8 miles out of Neenah, and it has one of the best school districts in the state. I'm not saying that the Appleton area doesn't have some great schools, but there are some great benefits to a smaller town. Houses are cheaper, property taxes are cheaper, and there are no gangs in the high schools. So anyway, I encourage you to take a look, but I know some people just don't like small towns. Oh, and one small tip: The principal of the schools you're looking at should be able to meet with you and list all of the reasons you should put your children in that school. If they can't do that then that school is most likely not the school you want your children in. Good luck with whatever you decide!