K., hope you don't mind a little advice from someone who has been there, done that, twice. I raised three kids as a stay at home M. and then raised my grandson who was born at 2lbs, 9oz. With my first family, it was planned that I would stay home and in those days we did everything from cooking, baking and cleaning as well as tote the kids around etc. When we took our gs in I had developed a midlife career and opened my own employment agency. When we adopted our gs, it was a new challenge. I did not want to give up the business I had built from nothing but wanted to give him the childhood he deserved. With today's communications I was able to do both! After he went to school, I went into office and did tasks that needed to be done there. After school, I brought telephone calls, faxes, and emails home. After his homework, I started dinner and accomplished a few tasks. After dinner, we had a little family time and then to bed. After that I spent some time doing emails, etc. I found my clients, many of whom were working moms, very agreeable to my timing. He w/be 20 in two weeks and we have developed a great little family. Now, I turn to my writing (published 3 books) and my painting (one in gallery) and my sewing (granddaughters love when I make them things). I think the point is: where is your energy level and what do you need to keep your mind in gear while tending to little ones? The other bit of advice from a grammy is to enjoy every minute of your little ones now! They grow so fast! You will be able to do a lot as they go to school and need less of your 24/7 attention. I honestly cannot believe that I can say I have raised two families, written three books and sold a painting to a gallery!