Hey J.,
Does your nephew hold it in because he is afraid to go on the potty, or just doesnt want to go in general? My daughter went through this phase and actually still does every once in a while...but for her I think it hurt when she tried to go, which made her afraid to go...I talked to her pedi and he recommended Miralax, but I never gave it to her....I felt that she needed something daily and Miralax wasnt really for that....I actually started giving her Adam and Eve Fruitables juice at least once a day and I swear it helped....the juice is mostly full of fruit and veggies and because my daughter isnt a real fan of either I figured this way she is getting at least a daily serving....My pedi also recommended inserting a rectal thermometer, which stimulates the muscles to make them go..however this never worked with her....Hope this helps!!
Meg :)