Morning A.!
I agree w/ the previous moms..start conversations with her about all of this. Keep it simple, use age-appropriate explanations. My mom was very open & honest with my sisters & I when we were growing up about our bodies. Being naked, etc doesn't bother me. (Plus sharing one bathroom with 3 sisters & my mom helped too.) When my oldest was little (she's now 12), and she began experimenting, she had NO MODESTY whatsoever. Shirts were raised, skirts lifted, even some touching to my absolute mortification!!!! I simply started explaining all those body parts that were HERS & for HER ALONE. My tactic was to let her know that boys & girls were different, but that they had parts that were only for them. Guess you could say I made it into a game of sorts. If she felt the need to "show off," then she had to make sure not to show anyone, cuz then they would want her body parts. As crazy as it sounds, it worked. She DID NOT want to share. LOL Now I have a 9 m/o daughter. That isn't the direction I will be going with her. I realize now that at aga 19, I had NO idea how to educate my child. lol
Anyways, my point is just explain your expectations to your DD as best you can, using words & phrases that she can understand & relate to. If you come at her with understanding & compassion, then she wont grow into a woman uncomfortable with her body.