If you place a nanny cam and do not inform the nanny, you could be breaking labor laws and if the nanny were fired because of the cam, she could take action against you. I ran a nanny agency for 15 years and one customer had a hidden camera and fired the nanny for something unrelated to the job. I checked with the labor board and they said the nanny's rights were violated. I understand your concerns, but having placed hundreds of nannies who stayed from 2 to 10 years with families, I do not endorse the cameras for spying on nannies. Working with a reputable agency, seeing a complete list of background screenings including criminal background and fingerprints are a must. It may cost but you will get much more information than the camera. If you insist on the camera, I suggest you tell the nanny you are placing the camera so you can view what your child did during the day. Would you like to be spied on at your job? If you can't trust a nanny, you should not have one because your relationship will never grow and your child will suffer. This is based on a lot of experience.