Check out the book: How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. It's all about validating kid's feelings. So, when your son says he has to do everything around the house, rather than saying "that's not true" or "no you don't" Say, "I'm sure it feels that way because you do help out when needed. And, you might even feel unappreciated. Know that I am grateful for your help (and it's your responsibility as a member of this family) This is one of those times when I need your help, so (clean your room, wash the dishes, etc.) Thanks (insert your child's name here)."
So, acknowledge his FEELINGS first. You can even start a conversation with "It appears as though you're (upset, angry, tired, mad, etc.)" And then, STOP TALKING and see if he responds to that. Above all, be patient because age 13 is a weird not-a-kid-not-a-man stage for boys. Let your son know that you are always going to love him and be there for him.
Take Care,