Give her rewards for what she accomplishes. If she picks up something you asked then when you guys are on the way home from school the next day say "Hey, I noticed you did what I asked, thank you, wanna go get an ice cream from McDonalds?". Then let it drop. The more you praise her for after the fact the more she should want to get that praise and rewards. If it is laid out like a bribe she won't fall for it. If you say "Clean your room and then we'll go to McDonalds" she'll focus on going there and not do anything but have a melt down. It should be spontaneous sounding and not at all regular.
I often sit and color with my granddaughter, my hubby plays play-doh with her. There are all kinds of rewards out there and your time is one she wants, just maybe not at school....
Also, she is still at an age where they can't remember their head if it's not attached. She needs clear cut instructions. She might do well to have a to-do list posted on her mirror or wall.
To clean my room I need to pick one type toy and put all of those in their home.
(IE all the Barbies in the Barbie tub. All the books back on the bookshelf.)
List the tasks she needs to do, pick up toys, put dirty clothes in the laundry hamper, etc...whatever she needs to do needs to be listed in simple easy to follow steps.