If its' bad and home remedies don't work, ask for zofran or the generic ondansetron.
Be sure to snack on small things all day long that combine carbs/protein, such as cheese on crackers, peanut butter on celery with crackers, a handful of nuts. Avoid greasy foods, spicey foods, foods with strong scents.
Peppermint tea and red rasberry leaf tea can help. Ginger Ale, ginger snaps, ginger preggie pops can help. The sea sick wrists bracelet, or psi accupressure bands has helped some.
Here's some more ideas here:
I had morning sickness, the entire 9 months, 24 hours a day.. so yes, it isn't just in the morning for some people. Bless your heart and hang in there!
You will eventually find foods that you can eat that won't make you sick... my first pregnancy I could only eat tomato soup with cheese and crackers or black eyed peas, hard boiled eggs and avacados.