I know you are looking for free but sometimes user friendly is a bit more important, especially if you do not have much experience in web design. If you have access to an Apple computer iWeb is a great product & super easy to use even for beginners.
You could also try wix.com. I have tried this & a bit more time consuming than the Mac iWeb program but has many options. Also, might want to check out weebly.com. I think that both are free to design websites & blogs--not sure if there is a web hosting fee though.
For domain names & web hosting, I have been using godaddy.com for over 5 years & very pleased with their service, not to mention user friendly.
Bear in mind it is a very time consuming venture no matter how simple you are planning to make it or how experienced you are at web design. Sometimes worth paying for a professional to make it, host it, etc. & Depending on the product you are selling sometimes sites like etsy & ebay are easier venues for exposure than your own created website.