I have had 3 sets and wore them all out. I'm kind of getting tired of how much it seems like they wear out. However, we do use them a LOT. It's just so much easier to chop with it than to get the quisinart out. I don't like how many pieces and parts there are to the quisinart.
Things I love... I like making cheese sauce using the magic bullet.
I like making chicken or beef spread out of it. I like using it to make slim fast shakes or other shakes. If you have a baby in the house, yes, it's fast and easy.
BUT, on the down side... The seals come out easy and wear out fast. The blades get dull quickly too. It seems like I end up using them for a long time when they aren't working as well as they did at first.
I do LIKE keeping small amounts of leftovers in the container. The lids and containers are convenient.
Like any other kitchen gadget... If you use it a lot, it's going to wear out. It takes up a LOT less space than a blender.