Hi A.,
I nursed my second child until he was 2 1/2. Now he took both breast and bottle right away from the start. He was in daycare at 2 months, so he had too.
But he still liked the "Mommas" as he called them. So yes, after the first year, it was just comfort time. And as far as I was concerned, that was OK. He was very verbal at 18 months and would hop in my lap and ask for it. "I need some Mommas!" My husband and friends and family were horrified to say the least! I think they pictured a future with a big first grader sitting on my lap in the family room getting his Mommas! I told them I was sure that wouldn't be the case!
They kinda figured that if a child could ask for them by name, then they were too old. My response was "Are you the one who has to get up and settle him down multiple times a night and be able to get up and go to a full time job each and every day? No? Well, then it is between me and my son now isn't it?"
Nursing at night was a way that my son got the mommy time he needed and I was able to get more sleep. Somewhere around 2 and a half, he announced one day "I don't need the Mommas anymore." And that was that. He was only nursing once or twice a day at that point and I think we were both very ready.
So in my case, he weaned himself because he was ready and we all felt good about it. Now I confess I let him have the bottle at night after this for another 18 months. Bad I know, but it made bedtimes easier.
On his fourth birthday, I had a friend come over who had a newborn. We told him that the baby needed his bottles and he was a big boy and would be getting a special Thomas the Train tumbler. He was real keen on the idea and gave the bottles up without a fight. Wished I had thought of this idea sooner!
Anyway good luck! It is a hard decision, mainly I think because it is nice bonding between a mother and child and the pressure from others makes it seem like you are doing something wrong in nursing a child past the obvious infant stage. At least this was my experience.