I found the middle of the night feeding to be the easiest to get rid of. I just started giving him a sippy glass with water at about 7 or 8 months. After a few nights of me telling him "if you are thirsty this is what you can drink" He was just fine and either didn't wake up or else just drank from his sippy and went back to sleep without waking me up. The rest of the feedings I got rid of in this order: Breakfast, nap and bedtime. For the breakfast I just took him out of bed and right downstairs and gave him a sippy of milk. Nap and Bedtime were harder and took a little bit of cry it out for us. I wouldn't really start any weaning (except the middle of the night which I'd start now) until after she is one and you can use a glass of milk to help replace the feeding. Why introduce a bottle if you don't have to. That's just another thing to wean from later IMO. It only took about a month of slow weaning for us to get from three daytime feedings to none.