Looking for Something to Do for Mothers Day Out in the Arlington Area!

Updated on April 23, 2008
L.H. asks from Arlington, TX
6 answers

I am wanting to do something for myself in the evening a couple of times a month. I need advice on any inexpensive classes (art, pottery, sewing, yoga, cooking, etc) or just get together with other ladies and play cards or do crafts. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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answers from Dallas on

Many local churches have a MOPS (mother of pre-schoolers) group that meets twice a week and has childcare. It is a fun group with other moms.



answers from Dallas on

I am a member of a great group of moms, Arlington Early Childhood PTA. We have a meeting once a month then have tons of other fun activites during the month - including moms night out. Our next meeting is Monday, April 28th at 9 am at The Church on Rush Creek on Green Oaks in Arlington. You should come if you can. Childcare if provided for a small fee. Check our website for more info or contact me, http://aecpta.wordpress.com/



answers from Dallas on

I am a member of a great moms group. Go to www.meetup.com and look for the arlington mommy meetup group. You will get lots of opportunities for grown up interaction with us.

As for classes, I don't have any suggestions for ya there. Just check out our group.



answers from Dallas on


Join meetup.com. you can meet a host of lovely people and create a new meetup for any circle you want to participate in.



answers from Dallas on

I'm sorry I don't have specifics, but here are some ideas of places to look: Joann's has sewing and different kinds of craft classes including cake decorating. Michael's and Hobby Lobby also offer several classes. Recollections has scrap booking classes, but you can also just go there and work on your scrap books if you do that. I will try to think of some more.



answers from Dallas on

My church, St. John the Apostle United Methodist Church located behind the Kohls on Cooper and Green Oaks in South Arlington has a scrapbooking club that meets pretty regularly. I am unsure of the details because I do not go, but you can call the church and ask them for details. I know just about all the ladies that go and they are all so sweet, of all age ranges, and will make you feel welcome even if you are Jewish! =0) Good luck on your search for Mommy Time!

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