J., my advice to you would be to take a step back and realize that you are under alot of stress, plus your horomones are all over the board, your body is adjusting and your baby is only 3 months old, everytime you turn around, you are trying to adjust to something new (having the baby, then by the time you are starting to get used to being with your baby, you are going back to work and trying to adjust to that) you are going to get frustrated very easily, it's one change after another!! But in 6 months, you might realize that you are being a little harsh on your friends. Yes, it is good to have other mom friends who can relate, and won't get bored of our baby stories, but that doesn't mean your childless friends are any less important. My best friend still does not have a child and she is still my best friend...does she realize FIRST HAND everything I'm going through...No, b/c she's not there yet, but she listens to me and is there for me, and her life and her problems are still important to me, frienships are a two-way street, you have to listen to them vent, and remember when our horomones are all over (just like in pregnancy, sometimes we get pissy over stupid stuff w/o realizing it, and our friends might(likely they do) realize it, but they understand that it's the horomones and all the stress and changes and they stand by us through it!!) Your friends have probably stood by in support and listened to you throughout your pregnancy and these first 3 months of your childs life, and if being childless they have been able to do that, they are probably worthy of being your friends still. The dynamics of the friendship have just changed a little.
...I have a hard time trying to talk about anything other than my son, especially when it's with other moms, because that tends to be all we talk about since our children are the center of our lives; however, having friends w/o kids is nice, b/c they tend to talk about something other than kids and it's nice to have a change of subject.
I'm sure your friends realize that you've been up all hours of the night, and I don't think when they are venting that they are trying to trivialize that, they are just trying to get their frustrations off their chest. And I can recall many sleepless, "all-nighters" when I was in college working on getting papers done...I think my life was stressful back in those days (I went to school full time and would work 2-3 jobs to pay bills)just stressful in another way.
So I guess I'm saying, ease up on your girls! Realize that what you are feeling is natural to feel, but try to rationalize it as well and understand that once things calm down a bit and you get used to everything, hearing stories and gossip from those friends will prob be a breathe of fresh air!!
Boy that seemed to take a book to try to say what I wanted to say!! Sorry so long!!!!