I have lots of ideas for you..
I too am a stay at home mom- and when I quit my full time job I was worried I would go bonkers.. but I found lots of things to do..
Ferndale community center has a fabulous playroom for kids.
The hours are different summer and winter.. but I think it is open Mon-wed- friday.. Check it out online.. You can buy a card for 6 visits for $10. Or try it out once for $ 4.
Libraries... lots of libraries.. Look online and see what is going on at your ferndale library and the other libraries near your home.. Birmingham library has baby story time -for kids birth - 18 months.. Royal oak has some activities this summer - I am not sure about baby activities.
Centerline public schools. Runs a playgroup during hte schoolyear. It is fabulous. The cost is $20 per month. The class meets 1 day per week for 1 hour and 15 minutes... It is located at 10 mile and ryan. Again check it out online.