I have several ideas for you...
The ferndale community center has a playroom... "kids korner" lots of toys in a big fairly clean room.. It is usually open 9-3 mon - fri. You can buy a card for 6 visits for $10. Pretty cheap entertainment. We have gone sometimes and there are no kids ther playing but my 2 enjoy it anyway. You should call to verify hours.. ###-###-####. Sometimes they rent out the room for private parties.
There are free playgroups through oakland schools. There is one going on right now in hazel park.. There are 3 more meetings... Friday December 5, 12 and 19. Call Jean to register ###-###-####. You can find information about the oakland schools playgroups online-- www.oakland.k12.mi.us from the home page... select early childhood-- then 1/2 way down...select "learning together" That takes you to a list of the playgroups. The playgroups are 6 weeks long and rotate at various sites around the county... usually libraries schools or community centers. We are int he hazel park playgroup and there is space available.
Centerline public schools has playgroups.. Tuesday or Thursday mornings.... ###-###-#### am.. the classes meet at 10 mile and ryan. Basicly free play.. and story time.. there is a craft activity and playdoh or some other messy thing.. paint etc... Call ###-###-#### for more info.. The teacher is Tammy -
Libraries.. libraries libraries.... I have been to lots of kid programs at libraries.. I highly recommend the birmingham library. They offer a story time for babies 0-18 months.. It is great. The room is bright and sunny and small enough to keep the kids from just running around wildly. They usually do the story time on MOnday and Tuesday mornings every other week. Check the website. www.baldwinlib.org If your son is very active - he might do better in teh story time for 18-30 month old children. I have heard that the Hazel Park library does a great story time. I havent been there myself. Madison Heights library does a nice story time.
How about a fun cheap music class. www.musicalstorytime.com
They have music classes in several locations.. Perfect for young toddlers... We attend the class in Troy on Satuday mornings.. But there are also classes in Royal oak on Tuesday mornings.. The classes are $55 for 8 weeks.. which is bargain. The class is laid back and if your son wanders it is no problem.. ( my son often wanders) My kids love musical story time... It is a fun class.
There is a moms club for ferndale.. you can search for "moms club international" I am a member of the sterling heights chapter of the moms club. they have playgroups at members homes and other activities. Some chapters are very active.
Let me know if you try any of my suggestions and what you think... I try to keep my 2 kids busy every day..