Looking for Feedback on the Phil & Ted's Buggies

Updated on February 05, 2010
K.W. asks from Chicago, IL
6 answers

I know this comes up a lot but with my second baby due in a few weeks (my first has just turned two) I need to make a decision on that old double buggy question. I think (although am open to suggestions) i have decided to go for a tandem buggy rather than a double and am thinking about the Phil and Teds. I picked up a brochure at the weekend and there are lots of different models so now i'm even more confused! The Sport and the Vibe seem to be the most popular? How have others found them? Any recommendations re which model? And are they easy to put in the back of the car? ANy better alternatives? Thanks!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I have one and LOVE it. It is the older e3 model which I believe is similar to the Sport. I'd love to have a Vibe because the stroller folds up with both seats attached - but other than that, I'm very happy with the model I own. My kids love the front OR the back, it is easy to push and turn with one hand, fits through doors easily, is super sturdy, etc.

Cons: It IS heavy and bulky to load/unload, especially since my e3 does not lock closed or anything. (I'm not sure if that has been addressed with the newer models.) Also, when a child is sitting in the lower seat, you can't hang a diaper bag on the handle without it bumping the child in the head, and the basket on the bottom is often occupied with little feet, so it isn't a great place to carry things either.

I'm still super happy with mine and haven't found any better alternatives, personally. Though if money were no issue, I would love to get my hands on an iCandy Pear stroller! Good luck.



answers from Chicago on

I LOVE my Phil! I have a small Civic and it fits great in the trunk!

I bought the Sport. A friend of mine has the Vibe. Her's looks more stylish and it has the hand break. Her husband HATES the hand break, he is always accidentally hitting it when pushing the stroller.

I've yet to use the jump seat (son is only 8 weeks and I babycarry)...but a friend with 3 kids loves her e3 model.



answers from Chicago on

I've had a sport for 2 years now and we just added all the goodies for the infant -- carseat carrier on the top and toddler in the jump seat. We use this stroller more than we use our car since we live in a very urban area and we absolutley love it. We love that it has a slim profile so you can go to the store with both kids and not take up the entire asile. It has great handling. Ours DOES lock when you fold it up. It takes up a good amount of space in our small Jetta trunk, but I can load up groceries for the week with it in the trunk if we shop with the car.

We bought the sport b/c it was cheaper, frankly, and we didnt see any functional differences between the two.

As for the diaper bag on the back issue, I would say that is its only detraction. One other person here said that you cant hang one on the back b/c it hits the jumpseat/kid in the back. This is true. We have the panier bags for the sides and they seem to work well. The only bummer is that they dont detach easily -- they are not meant to be taken off and carried 'in' with you.

Good luck!



answers from Atlanta on

Not sure if you'll find my answer very helpful, but I know a lot of people with P&Ts and a lot of people with BOBs (including myself) and almost hands down everyone wishes they had a BOB. After the small infant stage, the Phil and Teds evidently starts being problematic for the kids. I don't have one, but I'm just going on what several people I know have said.



answers from Chicago on

We have the Sport and love it! We are expecting #2 in a couple months and so I'll be double bunking soon enough! The Sport is super easy to push and handle. My only complaint is the sequencing of the recline (hard to adjust to an intermediate setting without waking a sleeping child). We have never brought ours in the car (use an umbrella stroller) so weight not an issue for us.



answers from Chicago on

I have the Phil & Ted's Dash AND love love love love love it. It is a bit awkward to put in the back of the car. If you have a smaller car, it is more difficult. I rarely put it in a car, but often put them in taxis', which seems to work out well as they have larger trunks.
I had decided on the Sport as I thought it would suit my needs, but found a retailer online selling the Dash cheaper than the sport so I went that route. I personally don't think the little uplifts and perks you get are really worth the extra $$ on the Vibe or the Dash, but I do like some of the extra features I have with the Dash.
The stroller is SUPER easy to push. My friend with the Bugaboo said it was easier to push than hers! The versatility is awesome, especially with the older getting more active. If the older one wants to walk, you still have a reasonably compact stroller vs. having the huge big ones.
I think any of them are good, but one thing to consider if you will be putting it in and out of the car a lot, then the Vibe you are able to fold up the stroller in the two toddler setting without having to remove the second seat. As we don't use ours in the car that often, it was not a consideration. Also, the Vibe has an awesome one touch brake. Very handy, although the two handed method on the Dash is OK too. I would highly recommend finding some place to test drive so you can get a feel for the differences.

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