my girls are 15 months apart and I LOVE the phil and ted's. We have the Vibe and we chose that one because you can fold it with the double seat attached. We live in a city in Switzerland and I needed a double stroller that I knew would fit it doorways and in stores and the P&T's does! The main stroller part makes a bassinet for the newborn and the older one sits on top in the double seat. The baby is covered and the older one gets to sit high. My daughter loved it! I was worried about having one sit in the back seat as they got older, but the both love to sit back there! (the oldest is 21/2 and the youngest is 15 months) Definitely go and test drive some. I tried several double strollers in the store and knew this was the stroller for me when I couldn't even get the city mini double out of the aisle to test drive it :) Good luck with 2!! It's so much fun having them so close together!
my girls are 15 months apart and I LOVE the phil and ted's. We have the Vibe and we chose that one because you can fold it with the double seat attached. We live in a city in Switzerland and I needed a double stroller that I knew would fit it doorways and in stores and the P&T's does! The main stroller part makes a bassinet for the newborn and the older one sits on top in the double seat. The baby is covered and the older one gets to sit high. My daughter loved it! I was worried about having one sit in the back seat as they got older, but the both love to sit back there! (the oldest is 21/2 and the youngest is 15 months) Definitely go and test drive some. I tried several double strollers in the store and knew this was the stroller for me when I couldn't even get the city mini double out of the aisle to test drive it :) Good luck with 2!! It's so much fun having them so close together!