My skylight got cracked and the insurance has not called me back too. I give you thumbs up to sticking to it to stay home with your child. I have an in home Day Care registered with the state and I love doing this. But years ago I was not able to stay home with my children as their dad took off with someone at his work. So I did it alone. I wanted nothing more then to stay home. I am grateful for not having to work until my youngest was about 3. I used to listen to Dr Laura and her advice is to stay home. Why let someone else raise your kids? I worked at a day care short time as a temp and was horrified that I had to subject my children to that. I give my kids tons of love, hugs and kisses and I try to be stern when is needed. We have a lot of fun. I think if they have to be away from parents then a smaller home day care like what I do is best. In that small group they are learning manners and social skills as I watch and teach. In a large day care with lots of kids and less adults to watch over they do not see as much interaction and can not correct all the time what is going on. I love my job and being home this time around with a granddaughter I am raising. Keep up the work of a dedicated mom. Kudos to you. G. W