Know of a Good, Quiet Family Fourth Thing to Do?

Updated on June 30, 2010
C.H. asks from Flower Mound, TX
4 answers

My grandson is a bit over 2. His ears are very sensitive to loud, sudden noises so he wouldn't appreciate the sounds that fireworks make. However, if they were muffled and he could see them, that would be great for all of us. I'm thinking of perhaps a restaurant patio, a hotel room, something with a view that a really small person could see (that wouldn't be at the back of a restaurant kind of thing). Or, even an indoor children's concert with a fireworks screen in the background!!?

Also, perhaps a children's Fourth parade in the morning before it turns hot (course it may rain that day). Dallas, Ft Worth and suburbs aren't too far for that. Thank you!!!

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So What Happened?

Thank you for all the great suggestions. I never knew that some earphone protectors actually work (as I've tried a few). And I really would love to see little Kane take part in a parade. (Wonder if you have to register?) Thank you all so much. I'm saving all these to refer to next year too.

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

I love the idea of the headphones.

We've also watched fireworks from "The Mound" a few times. It's not very close to any one display, but you can see displays over Lake Grapevine, Lewisville, Flower Mound, even The Colony and Irving. It's very quiet and usually there are only a few families up there. Being outside of the high-traffic area also allows for a quick exit so you can get home... even with a nap, that will be a late night for a toddler.

Here's a great list of area fireworks, parades, and activities in our area:

You might try the inside parade at Vista Ridge Mall. I've never been, but it would solve the issue of rain or heat.

Flower Mound's parade is a lot of fun, too.. the kids decorate their bikes, wagons, strollers, etc. and everyone participates.

Flower Mound is having a "splashtacular" at the CAC on Sunday, and there's a patriotic concert at Trietsch Memorial on Sunday as well.

Note that some activities are on the 3rd and some are on the 4th.

Good luck! Free online guide to affordable family activities in Flower Mound, Lewisville, and the surrounding cities.

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answers from Dallas on

We are bringing headphones for our little one to wear to muffle the loud noises, but enjoy the show. I bought them at Cabelas...they are carried with the shotgun equipment, but I am sure Academy and Walmart would also carry them. They have a child's version but the adult ones we bought work great for our kids. We used them at the airshow...both kids wore them without argument. That might be an option.

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answers from Dallas on

The Town of Flower Mound has a very sweet, fun children's parade -- the kids ride their bikes/wagons/etc. down the parade route and even throw candy to the crowd. It's very mellow, but I think would be exciting for a 2-year-old. They hand out free hot dogs and drinks at the end.

This year it is actually on the 3rd. Here are the details:

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answers from Dallas on

We bought hearing protection for our son and it works great for fireworks and loud sporting events. They are big black earmuffs like what people where when they go shooting they're just a junior version.

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