What to Do This Weekend on a Very Tight Budget

Updated on May 24, 2009
S.M. asks from Denton, TX
6 answers

Can anyone suggest anything fun my family can do over the weekend? It has been a while since we have really been able to spend time all together. We really have very little money to spend which is why I can't think of what we can do, but I also don't want to spend all weekend sitting in the house. I have thought about the park, but it is supposed to rain most of the weekend. I have also thought about the indoor pool, but my husband doesn't enjoy swimming. Any ideas?

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So What Happened?

Thank you for all your great suggestions. We ended up going to the Log Cabin Village in Fort Worth. It was only $10 for our whole family to get in. It was very interesting. We had fun and we got to spend time together.

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

we are going to feed the ducks, going to the local pool, walking around the malls (not shopping just looking), bbq'ing, it is trade days at the race track it only costs $5 to park & then you can walk around & look at stuff, redbox movies are only $1, the movie theater off of northeast loop 820 is a cheap theatre, play board games if it is rainy,



answers from Dallas on

Hi, S. -

I know this weekend is already winding down, but on an ongoing basis, you might check out www.familyeguide.com. We mostly feature free & affordable activities in Lewisville, Highland Village and Flower Mound, but also include events in Lake Dallas, Corinth, Denton, etc, all of which is searchable in our online calendar.

Next weekend you probably already know about Dog Days of Denton (which is free to attend), but on Friday, there's a free movie in Lewisville, a free concert in Flower Mound, free fireworks in Grapevine, and of course Saturday's Cinco de Mayo festival in Lewisville (rescheduled from 5/2).

Good Luck!



answers from Dallas on

if the weather is good go to the park have bbq have fun if not play games make dinner togheter and watch a movie

have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!


answers from Dallas on

If it doesn't rain, you could check out the botanical gardens, the water gardens, the library, Chuck E. Cheese is cheap if you don't eat there, see if you have a $1 theater near you, etc. Have fun!



answers from Dallas on

Check out guidelive.com



answers from Dallas on

If it doesn't rain go fishing or feed the ducks and walk around one of the many parks with a pond. If it does rain, bake a cake or something special that your daughter can help make. I am sure your hubby will enjoy that too. Maybe rent a movie you and your husband liked as a kid. You could even start a myspace with your husband and daughter to share with family. Go to a memorial day parade.

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