Have a morning routine.
Start the routine, AHEAD of time... not down to the wire or the last minute, so that you all are not, rushing.
I have 2 kids. Who are now 5 & 9 years old.
I always have them... start getting ready, AHEAD of time... so that we don't all rush like maniacs in the morning.
I... get myself ready, BEFORE them. I wake earlier than them. Then, I am free to help them with whatever and make breakfast etc.
Kids, will have "drama" when they are rushed. I would too.
My son is 5 years old. He can... get ready himself. But he still needs to be egged on. Fine.
But when he was 4 years old, I helped him more.
At this age, they can be independent, but it will NOT be, 100% all the time or everyday or all day. At this age, you still need to assist them... when you realize they need to be assisted.
BUT the whole "trick" to this and getting ready in the morning is: To start AHEAD of time. Me, I create at least a 20 minute lead time... for ALL of us to get ready by. That way, we are NEVER late, in leaving the house and my kids always get to school on time. AND, they and me, have everything ready that we need to take into the car, from the night before.
Mornings do not have to be rushed. Just start ahead of time.
And you get yourself ready, before they wake up.