I do my best to 'hang' in my family...but man o' man my hubby and kids are really great!
My favorites in my life are: my oldest nephew and my youngest step-son, these guys are hilarious and VERY quick, we lovingly refer to them as "Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum" they are 16 and 15 and older/smarter than their years and they take turns being Tweedle Dum :) Then there is my hubby and then my BIL's lil' brother (I say lil' but he is almost 30!) and then there is my 5 year old son, he is WICKED smart and WAY FUNNY!
We are a family of 'banter-ers' and we all enjoy Sunday night dinners just so we can all rib each other...often!
~Last family dinner we were joking on French people (stepsons are 50% French) and I almost peed myself..."oh-la-la"! It was hilarious! "I am French, I pee on the sidewalk"...I know it sounds childish but it was great, my kids/nephews/family are some funny people! A dinner is always a success when someone chokes or has a drink come out their nose at my house!!