My awesome kids use the term mud butt if they need help in the bathroom after going #2 which was always used in the house and one day we were in a store and my son (who was 3 at the time) had to go to the bathroom so i go in and he was in his own stall while I waited for him to finish and he kept going on about how stinky it was going to be and it was def going to be mud butt. The lady in the stall next to us was trying her hardest not to laugh.
Now my son at age 6, we just went to the ocean last week for spring break and a wave came up and hit him in the stomach and he yells "i've never felt so alive"
My son and his t-ball friend (age 4) were arguing about how to say the color yellow. I just heard "its Lellow" No its not its "wello" I thought it was funny.
My daughter came out talking extremely well except for she is obsessed with Justin Beaver (Bieber) I think that one is pretty funny.