It's a girl...feeling Excited with Just a TOUCH of Terror!

Updated on August 25, 2010
L.U. asks from Kirkland, WA
18 answers

Hi mamas.
I am having my third child the first week of January. I am 20 weeks along and we just went in for our ultrasound yesterday. I already have two boys (ages 8 and 5) and was SURE that we would be told we are having another boy. I am also the oldest of 5, with 4 younger brothers. Well, low and behold...we are having a girl.
My husband is beside himself he is so excited, my boys couldn't care less....and while I am happy and excited I am also a bit terrified. I don't know how to explain exactly how I am feeling. But, I have been a GREAT mom for my boys. We laugh at silly things, farts, burps, we play outside all the time in the dirt and water...I have rambunctious, fun boys. I have been a nanny for the past 3 years to a little girl and she plays right along with my I don't think I am worried about a young daughter, I think I am more worried about when she gets older. I am not a very girly girl (I think just because I have had all these boys in my life) but am worried whether or not I will be a good mom to a girl. Whether she will appreciate my sense of humor or whether I will just be an embarasment to her. Whether or not she will be in fashion (Im sure I don't know or care what in style), or her hair done right, ect. I can't explain it...but can anyone sypathise?
While I am truly excited and grateful that I am a mother and can HAVE children, that is not my concern. Has anyone else felt like they are in over their heads with the sex of their baby and then found as time has gone on that they are the PERFECT parent for their child?
Thanks! L.

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answers from Portland on

Congrats! So excited for you! You will be a wonderful momma to a gril. I am NOT a girly girl at all. I can barely dress myself, put on make-up and fix my hair. Forget fashion trends completely. I was always a tom boy -we spend most the time outside when we can doing all sorts of stuff.

My daughter now that she is 5 has her own sense of style, picks her clothes, and I just go with it. She knows how she wants me to fix her hair (even tho I can only do basic barids and pig tails) and tells me. LOL! She will do the play makeup and princess dress thing, but her favoirte thing in the world is to catch slugs, worms and other bugs. She is rough and tumble as the boys too. Good mix - Dont worry about it so much - she will find her path and you will be awesome!!

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answers from Honolulu on

I did have those feelings too.
It is fine.
Don't worry.

I have a girl and a boy.
They are like 2 peas in a pod.

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answers from Redding on

I was exactly the opposite.
I was TERRIFIED to have a son!
They said I would never have children and when I got pregnant and it looked for sure, for sure I would have a baby....I begged God not to give me a boy.
I don't have anything against little boys, but in my entire huge extended family, I only had 3 boy cousins. 850 million girls and only 3 boys. I was afraid I wouldn't know what to do with a boy!
I was scared crapless!
Lo and behold, I had a beautiful baby girl.
9 years later, I was scheduled for a hysterectomy and started feeling weird. I was really sick but I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me.
I was pregnant!
And, I had a son.
I adore my daughter, my first baby, but let me tell you....
I don't know what I was so afraid of about having a boy.
He was the easiest baby and he is truly the light of my life.
He surprised me in so many different ways that I never thought imaginable and I'm so glad for it.
I think that God knew what he was doing and he gave me a boy just at the very right time.
You will feel the same way about your little girl.
Her brothers will protect her, but also teach her to be tough.
You get the best of everything!
Think of it that way.
I'm glad I got a daughter but years later I got such an unexpected surprise with my son and you know what? None of the things I dreaded came to pass. Once he was here, it was the most natural thing in the world.
He is 15 and I still think about how funny it was for me to be so afraid.
Nothing I was afraid of happened.
Like I said.....boys just didn't happen in my family and I was terrified to have one. It turns out, he was just what we needed.
The perfect fit and balance.

I'm sure you will be just fine. You are an excellent mom I have no doubt. Boys and girls are different, but that can be a good thing.
Take it from a mom who was scared to have a son!
You will do just fine.

Very best wishes!

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answers from Houston on

I was worried that I wouldn't know what to "do" with a girl. The goods news? You can do whatever you want with them.

I grew up with two brothers but I've covered the whole spectrum. I played right along with them when I was younger, did pageants when I was in high school, worked in the landscape industry, drove a dump truck, and still like occasionally to dress up.

Now my daughter will catch toads in the morning and insist that she wear her "princess" dress in the afternoon. She's THREE! And while I don't discourage all the pink and purple princess crazy, I also don't create that environment in our home.

Kids figure out what they are going to just have to create a loving environment and support whatever they become...or what they are at the moment.

She is so much like me that I often joke she was an immaculate conception.

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I too have 2 older boys and then a little girl, she is AWESOME and like the other mama said, it will help teach your boys how to treat girls with some hands on experience. My daughter likes to wear dresses and shoes and stuff, but she also spends her time in her brothers room if they are in there. They love her and she just follows them around. It will be great with the brothers. On the other part I will not be of too much help, I am a pretty girly-gril and so is my daughter. It wouldn't bother me if she wasn't though. I also think that she will love you(and hate you at times-stupid puberty) no matter what. You are her mother and you will rock it! Congratulations!

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answers from San Francisco on

I too have two older boys and, low and behold, my third was a girl. At first I was terrified because I know how to be a mom to boys and I so did not what to 'mess' this girl up. It is very different, from wiping the right way to what they are interested in, but you will figure it out.

If you do exactly what you have done for your boys, by being a caring and wonderful mother, you will be fine. Enjoy her!

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answers from Grand Junction on

You will do great! I'm not a girly girl, and remarkably my 2 year old daughter is. She also plays with worms, plays baseball and makes dirt pies with her older brother. My son is a typical rough and tumble boy, with a special sensitivity to his little sister. We're expecting #3 and I'm very curious how this new babe will fit into the mix (don't know the sex yet). No matter what women's lib and sexism makes us believe, boys and girl are wired differently! And I think it's awesome for every girl to have a brother and every boy to have a sister (know it doesn't always work out that way:). Your sons will have a new perspecitve on how to treat girls and maybe won't need as much of a clue when the time comes to date! Good luck!

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answers from Albany on

Know exactly what you mean. I have 2 boys, now 18 and 16. When the third came along I never dreamed it'd be a girl. But it was! My husband said to the ultrasound tech, 'are you sure?'. She is taking her own path (now 13) has been an extreme pleasure every day since she was born, gives her brothers a run for their money. So while of course I would've been thrilled to have a third boy, this was the greatest imaginable gift. Congratulations and enjoy!

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answers from Asheville on

Just be yourself and love her. Expose her to lots of things and support her in finding her way. I was the tom-boy and my sister was the girly-girl. The tomboy is still in me, but it has never interfered with my 'social graces' even at high-level executive events. Actually, people have told me there's a part of me that's quite refreshing and it's the fun nature in me that comes through. I'm only best when I'm doing what's best for me. My daughter is more of a girly-girl (who has her own taste in fashion which is somewhat different from mine) - and we get along famously. We share a common sense of humor and lots of other interests, but we have lots of things that are unique to us as well. -- Enjoy your daughter for all she will bring into your life and have fun watching her grow!!

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answers from Spokane on

I have 4 boys and 2 nephews (that practically live with me) and when I was pregnant for the last time...we got a girl! I too, was not sure I would know what to do with one, having spent so many years with only boys! But never will be OK!

I LOVE my boys and wanted so desperately for the last one to be a boy...but I am ever so thankful that we got our baby girl instead...she is just a breath of fresh air in our house and slowly but surely I am coming to grips on how incredibly different the 2 sexes are...example: I can tell my 2 youngest boys (ages 6 and 4) to go in to their room and pick up their dirty clothes and put them in their laundry basket and they will sit on the floor and mope and whine about "how much work it is" and how it "will take forever!" all while picking up 1 sock at a time and moving in TOTAL slow motion.........then I can tell my one and only baby girl (age 2) to do the same thing in her room and she will go in and pick up all the clothes in one fail swoop, bending over to pick up the one thing that either fell or was dropped and toss it all in the laundry basket at once and be done in 2 minutes! :) Ahhh, there is something to be said about how efficient we girls are...gotta love that!

Just you will be amazed at how easy, exciting, new and different it all is...

Have you went out and bought lots of pink yet?

Mom/Auntie to 6 boys and 1 girl
Ages 18,15,14,10,6,4 and 2

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answers from Corvallis on

Hi L., I think a lot of people have experienced what you are. When I was pregnant with our first child, I KNEW for SURE that it was a boy, I wanted a boy and longed for a boy. I was too afraid to have a girl because as you, I am not a girly girl, I didn't have a great relationship with my own mom growing up and imagined all the fights my daughter and I would get into with her screaming in my face how much she hated me. Then we go for the ultrasound and I was IN SHOCK to hear it was a girl. I think I must have cried all of the way home. I was so disappointed. But then the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I wouldn't be the same mom that my mom was to me, that in many ways I could rectify the negativity in my own childhood by being the kind of mom I wanted growing up. When I realized this, I realized that everything was going to be ok. I still think of the day that she is going to scream in my face that she hates me, because I know she will, but it will be ok. I also have to point out that I rough house with my daughter and she is a totally fun risk taker but one who also loves to cuddle and share her emotions (even at 2.5 years old). I wouldn't trade my daughter for the world. We are trying to get pregnant again, and I truly hope with all my heart it is another little girl. It's the best! Good luck to you. the main thing is to just be yourself and love yourself so she will learn to love herself!!!

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answers from Richland on

I had to chuckle when I read your question cause I almost asked the same question on here when I found out my second child was a girl. I could always see myself surrounded by a housefull of boys. I don't know why I never imagined having a girl in the mix, I just never did. When we went for our 20 wk ultrasound, we did the same thing..."are you sure????" and while sitting in the waiting room waiting for the Dr. to go over the results, I cried. I felt horrible for crying, I didn't want my daughter to come in to the world having had her mother cry because she was a girl, but at the time that's how I truely felt. But over the next six months, I got more and more used to the idea. I'm still terrified of the "GIRLY" stuff, beacause like you, I'm not a girly girl, but maybe she wont be either. She is now 14 mo. old and so wonderful and perfect and I couldn't even come close to imagining life without her. Her big brother adores her and loves having a sister. We are expecting #3 and now we are excited to have EITHER a boy or girl. Now that we have experienced both, it's just pure excitement for a baby. I still think once in awhile what it would have been like to be the queen of my castle with lots of boys around, but I also celebrate that my daughter will help keep me femanine. It's a win win. Good luck with your emotional journey, you'll get there, especially since your husband is so excited. He is going to be a great "girl" dad. Not all of them are you know...that's a huge plus. :)

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answers from Bellingham on

I have three girls. With my first everyone thought I would have a boy, I think because I am rather un-girly so it was easier for everyone to picture me having a boy. I had a sweet little fairy of a girly girl and it was just fine. When we had a second girl, our older daughter was excited because of course she wanted a sister. That daughter is very much a tomboy and they are so different in many many ways despite both being girls.

When pregnant with the third, I admit to wanting a boy myself. I had the nervous feeling that as my girls got older (teenage!) they would come to have a difficult relationship with me (as I did with my mom) but that boys would stay "loyal" to mom in some way. But then our girl was born and her sisters adore her and they are all three so great together and so unique.

Plus my oldest is 14 and so far our relationship is still good, much better than mine was with my mother. I am sometimes an embarrassment to her, I am sure that is unavoidable with any teenager, but also I know sometimes she feels proud of me!

And here's something - as much as I am "meant" to be their parent, perfect or not, I believe I got the children I was meant to have - I think that children teach us things we need to learn as much as we teach them. So if you look at it that way, just keep an open mind to what this baby has come to show you, regardless of sex/gender!

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answers from Cleveland on

I know exactly how you feel!

I'm the same way. I've NEVER been a girly girl. I can't stand the color pink, barbies, etc. I'm 38wks along and they said they THINK it's a girl. The ultrasound wasn't really clear either way.
My hubby's response..."Time to go buy a gun" lol Meaning to ward off the boys later in life. Although i KNOW if this baby is a girl it will be his lil princess.

I honestly think your daughter will love you no matter what. She may turn into a tom-boy or she may be very girly. Not much you can do to determine that. I know that I grew up around ALOT of guys and I'm not sure if that is entirely why I am the way i am

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answers from Raleigh on

We too have 2 boys 3 and 5 and having a girl in Oct. I get those moments sometimes....I guess it's just different. Before having my boys I could never imagine what it would be like having boys. I grew up with a sister, was a nanny for 6 years for 5 girls, have 4 God daughters. But you get used to it, learn and adjust. I am actually more worried for my boys when they get older. My husband has a great bond with his dad, but not with his mom. So I feel like you have to "work" more with boys to keep that connecton.

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answers from Portland on

You sound like an amazing mom to have for any gender. She'll be lucky to call you Mom. Little girls like fart jokes too. :) You will be fine.



answers from Seattle on

I don't pretend that I'm perfect for my kids, but it's worked out so far! I'm also not a girly girl, don't care much about fashion and spend less than 10 minutes on how I look each day. I have two daughters.

They are both completely into accessories and girly things. My oldest (age 3) asks most mornings now if she looks pretty. I have no idea here she got the idea that she was anything other than beautiful so we always tell her that it's more important to be nice than to look nice or that she's beautiful no matter what's she's wearing. She happens to be a very beautiful little girl but she's young enough now that we're still setting the foundation for her self esteem and values. If you're able to do that early then you'll find a way to agree on her interests even if they are opposite from yours. Being a loving and thoughtful parent is way more important than "knowing" how to raise one gender or the other. Sounds like you're loving and thoughtful and that you're going to be just fine!



answers from Minneapolis on

My first was a girl and I have to admit I was nervous. I am not very girly and some girly activities drive me crazy. I hated the color pink. I am NOT a fan of barbie or princesses.

Then I had my baby girl and everything changed. At this point, I like what she likes. thank goodness she isn't the frilly dress type of girl. I still don't like barbie or princesses, but I did give in and get her some polly pockets the other day. And I have been thinking of repainting her room, and if she picks pink, that's ok with me.

Now I am pregnant and dying to know if we will have another girl, or a BOY. and just thinking of a BOY makes me nervous. I think to myself - they are so violent and loud, and I hate how they make everything into a gun... And then I laugh at myself because really, I know from experience, if it ends up being a boy, I will love him with everything in me, and look back at my thoughts and cringe for being so silly!

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