To Train up a Child by Michael Pearl. --This is the book that teaches you to beat your infant with a PVC pipe to make them obey you....This is the book that has lead to MANY deaths in the past year alone.
Would you hit an adult? no...
At this age, and the fact he is a boy--this is normal...sorry--I know that's not what you want to hear. This is just a time that he is testing his boundaries...and at a normal age, these times many people do not expect kids to act like...well..KIDS! They are NOT little adults...
My kids go through this too, and yes, they do grow out of it--if they have consistent consequences for the not give in...If you said--the room has to be clean, then it has to be clean before they can do anything else...or tell them they have a choice...clean their own room, or clean the bathroom...:) And let him yell...Tell him if he is going to do that to please shut the door--ignore it and inform him calmly that he will not be leaving the room till it's clean....
Or you could tell him he has 30 minutes--and anything that is on the floor after that is bring put in trash bags/boxes...
Or make it a age 5 they are still little kids..."I bet I can clean the living room before you can clean YOUR room--winner gets ice creame!" Or help a it that bad that he may feel overwhelmed?
Argues? Tell him that you respect his opinion, and decide for yourself if it's worth fighting...or is he feeling you are spending too much time doing something else and is just trying to get your attention??
This is the developmental age that most boys start to "detach emotionally" with their Moms and move closer to their Dads..not all, mind you..but it could be his way of making it ok with him...If you fight, it's ok to let go a bit...
Just remind him every chance you have that you love matter what...and *hugz* to you...It is really hard to go through this.
Friends told me after I had my kids "Boys are hard at first, but get easier...Gyrls are easy at first and just get harder" So far, I agree with them...:)
Hang in there and take a day/night out to just do something--JUST you and him...something he thinks is fun or kewl...:) He may not show it, but it will mean more to him than you know!
Just my 2 cents