Each baby is different. If he is growing well and happy and active between naps, I'd say, let him be the driver of his development. (Especially since he's being so nice about the nights!)
Whatever choice you make, watch for the consequences ... if you wean him to one, longer nap, watch how much time (if any) he is crankier, and remember to weigh the damage that might cause your relationship with the inconvenience of the two short naps.
Be aware that the quiet-house/fan combo might set you up for problems if/when you travel (or if you have another child) ... weaning off of that might be enough to kick him into only sleeping if he's really tired, and not related to a particularly soothing environment?
Mine all set themselves to one nap around 12 months ... ish. (My memory is a little vague .. but I know by two they were all only napping about every third or fourth day.)
Be sure to give him flexibility when he is in a growth spurt or doing a major developmental step (you'll know in each case because they eat more and often they do a little regressing as part of the process) ... they really need to have more sleep at those times, for healthy development, and you'll see lots of unhappiness and non-functionality if you are trying to hold them to a 'normal' schedule; they just can't do it.
Myself, I would be thrilled with two fairly predictable naps ;). A couple of my kids were predictable, a couple weren't :).