If she were in an actual facility she would come in at 9 and do class time activities, have play time, clean up time, get ready for lunch by doing some group activities, eat lunch around 10:45 or 11 then clean up from eating, then go down for a couple of hours of nap around noon. Get up around 2 (ish) and get ready for snacks, have play time, do some more activity time, play some more, get ready to go home.
In child care at age 1 a child moves from the baby room to a toddler room. That classroom is mandated by the state to only have one nap per day. They have to have the kids actively involved in stuff and they can't just be there sleeping and having to sit quietly while other sleep all day.
Once they hit 2 they move to the pre-school style class and their nap time is even shorter, down to about an hour and a half. They often eat lunch closer to noon and they don't get down til about 12:30 on an early day and more often down around 1-2:30. They stay pretty much on that schedule until they are in kindergarten.
So the fact that your care giver is still doing 2 naps per day is not great. Your child is more than old enough to be down to one nap per day. From about noon to 2 or so. Then she'll sleep every day at the same time.
This will also help with all sorts of going to bed issues too that may come up if she continues to do the 2 naps per day. If she does actually start going to sleep she will start staying up later and later. Kids only need so many hours of sleep per day, they just can't force themselves to sleep.
This caregiver needs to do only 1 nap per day. Then she'll have a better day because this child will not be tired or rubbing her eyes, she'll be wide awake during class time because she got the rest she needed at the time of day she needs it.
As for asking for advice about how to make her take a nap, this does entirely fall on the child care provider to learn how to do. She is the one doing the 2 naps per day.