You've nailed how I've been feeling too.
The feeling comes and goes. My husband has stepped up to the plate at home quite a bit. I hope you've made your point about that.
I know this is easier to say than do--trust me. The answer is to schedule your own "me" time. For a while, rest or exercise with the me time. Then, start deciding what you really want to do.
You say hubby flies to other countries to help others? Who pays for that? Why aren't you invited? Do you take vacations without him?
Have you told him any of this? I have, but my husband hates conflict, so he never says what I want to hear: "I'll go be the breadwinner and earn the benefits and you can work the 40-hour job. Let's switch." And he's not. I hope when you hubby hears from you, he'll be a bit more proactive.
The feeling of being stuck contributes to feeling depressed. Work to unstick the portions you can. One time my hubby said he, without much notice, had to work a different night than usual. I told him he could contact a babysitter in order to do it. He got the point. He no longer switches his schedule without letting me know in advance.
When hubby goes to other countries, does he make meals for you and put them in the freezer? Does he hire the babysitter so that you get "me" time while he is gone? Does he make sure baby's clothes are all washed so you won't have to? I have made it known to my DH what I need from him so that we can have family time together, rather than me working more hours than I already do.
I hope things turn out well. Feel free to send a personal message.