Hi L.,
When my hubby and I bought our first house, we were asking one of the neighbors about the area and the school, etc. getting to know the place where we were now living. The neighbor, after some pleasant discussion said to me, "Now that you've bought your house are you finally going to start a family?" I told her the house purchase had nothing to do with starting a family, that I was not able to get pregnant and we were waiting on our first adopion. She said to me "You can't get pregnant, or you haven't tried hard enough." I could share a long list of other awful things people said to us over the year that would shock you. It might be good for a laugh and a smile today!~
Seriously though, fertility issues suck, no other (nice) word fits. I have lots of stories, lots of trying, lots of tests and lots of tears I could share with you too. Anyone who goes through this has similar stories and anyone who has not gone through it has NO CLUE!
So, that said, next time someone tells you to "relax and let it happen in its own due time", smile sweetly and tell them to mind their own business. lol. Ok, maybe not, but don't you want to, at least a little bit?
People who say things to us are generally good people who don't know what to say, so they choose things they think will make us feel better, because it makes them feel better. I don't think on my feet very fast, so I never had a snappy comeback, which meant I usually hid and cried where no one could see me.
I was not one of the lucky ones who eventually got pregnant. It never worked for us, but we were later blessed to be able to adopt, not once but twice, and our boys are the light of our lives.
I can't tell you how to relax and make it all happen, I never figured it out either. But looking back, I wish I had followed some advice I read in a really good book, (which of course I can't remember the title, nor can I find it at the moment), that someone gave me while we were waiting to adopt. (I know you're not waiting to adopt, but I think the same things apply.) In a nutshell, it said this is a stressful time in your life so while you are stressing do things you enjoy. Take a trip, go window shopping, go on a hike, play with your child, see a good chick flick with the girls, whatever floats your boat. I would go one step further and say do all these things in the two weeks between ovulation and pregnancy test. It might not make a stitch of difference, but at least you'll be doing things you enjoy and things that make you happy. And, when it's needed, scream into a pillow, or on top of a mountain, or cry in a closet (my personal favorite). And when people ask you how you are doing, don't give them the standard "fine", smile and tell them life sucks right now because things aren't working the way you wanted them to and you really wish you were pregnant. You might knock them right over, but anyone who cares enough to ask how you are and can stay standing after that response is someone you can turn to for support when all is not well with the world.
Find a reason to laugh and smile every day, whatever it takes, at least for a minute you'll feel better.
Sending happy vibes your way!