Well, as a mother of two small children, who have traveled at all different ages, I can not stress enough to relax on the schedule. Go with the flow, relax and have fun.
We went on a trip one month after I gave birth via c-section to my daughter and we also had a 19 month old. We flew four hours and stayed a week in three different hotels. It was stressful, but you just learn to relax and your children will follow suit. Walks on the beach, were made possible with backpacks and snugli's for the kids, a large blanket in tow to lay on and enjoy each others company. Snuggling with our kids is just one other way we have enhanced our relationship with each other and our children.
Camping? Maybe not as easy. Especially with the campfires and me being a bit paranoid, but definitely more relaxing than carting the children from one hotel to another.
We even went on a cruise last year with both children, who at the time, were one and two years old. We had our family with us on the cruise, but in all actuality they really did not help us that much. We hired a sitter on board to watch the children on the formal night and we were able to enjoy ourselves a little bit.
I have never really had my children on a schedule to begin with, which I think, has really helped them to adapt to new situations with ease and comfort. They fall asleep anywhere, even in the middle of huge birthday parties, don't need a sippy cup to drink from and don't have blankets or lovies that get lost. I just have always done it that way and it works for us. We have a daily routine,but there is always room for error, new activities,a lunch date during naptime, and fun, fun, fun. Enjoy life with your daughter and know that this time is special and will only happen once. Include her in your activities, but also be sure to get that alone time. Find a sitter, neighbor or friend to watch your daughter, if it is only for an hour. I had someone tell me that they were so worried about their child everytime they left her, that they would run to Dairy Queen, grab some ice cream and come home and sit in the car or on the curb in front of their house. The sitter never knew they were there, but they were able to get that one on one interaction with each other, without distractions! Sorry this is so long and I hope this helps. Parenthood is a blessing,not a burden.