I Need a Care Provider in the Greenwood Area.

Updated on November 03, 2006
K.H. asks from Indianapolis, IN
6 answers

I am going back to taking campus courses two days a week, and I need a sitter for my two daughters, ages 2, and 4 months. I live off of Thompson Road, and school is downtown. I will be at school from 9:20 to 11:30. I can only pay like $5-$10 a day for the short hours they will be cared for, as I do not work, just attend school full time, and my boyfriend is the only income right now. If you know anyone, please pass this on. Thanks.

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So What Happened?

Thank you to everyone who responded to my request! I actually found a great care provider that my children love!

More Answers



answers from Indianapolis on

Good Afternoon....I am a mother of 2 and stepmother to 3 , which 2 live with us....I am a stay at home mom and would love to take care of your 2 angels...I can help you out with the cost that you are asking for since I dont rely on the money, I just have lots of time on my hands and just adore little ones. I am in Greenwood off off Averitt Rd in Pines of Greenwood. If your interrested just give me a call and we can set up a meeting. Can't wait to hear from ya!!

Thanks and have a Blessed Day...
K. Lewis

2 moms found this helpful


answers from Indianapolis on

"Little Angels Daycare" at White River Baptist Church in Greenwood. Phone ###-###-####



answers from Indianapolis on

I live near downtown and I attended IBC also! I would be able to care for your children because I wouldn't mind having a little extra money for my son and for x-mas.



answers from Indianapolis on

I might be able to help you out. what days of the week are you looking for. my son goes to daycare during the day so I have them open. I have to get my nieces on the bus at 7:45 then take my son to school at 8 after that I'm available till 2 or 3 pm let me know if your interested.



answers from Indianapolis on

Here's the name & # for a lady I know that has a in home daycare in Greenwood off of Apryl Rd & 31. You could give her a call & see what she could offer you??. I don't know her real well, but she seemed very nice. When I was looking for alternative backup daycare she had quoted me $20 per day fulltime, so maybe she could help you. She gave me her number a couple months ago when she came by to check out some items I had for sale...Her name is Nicole & her # is ###-###-####...Other than that, I take my daughter to a Daycare in Whiteland called Daycare One and I think they may charge like $70 a week for part time, but not sure on that..Other places you should try are the ads that run on craigslist.org. There are several Greenwood home cares I see on that site & also ads in the Daily Journal (DJclassifieds.com), and sometimes the Indystar.com...Good Luck!



answers from Indianapolis on

i am a childcare provider and live off of banta and bluff. i would be able to watch your children during those hours. if interested give me a call ###-###-####.

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