Looking for Childcare for My 3 Year Old Son in the Greenwood Area

Updated on October 11, 2006
K.W. asks from Indianapolis, IN
6 answers

Hi - my son is currently at a daycare on the near southside of Indianapolis and his father and I are wanting to find a new provider. We are open to either a daycare or an in-home provider. We obviously want him to go where he will be safe, but money is also an issue. Any help / guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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answers from Indianapolis on

Good Morning, I saw that you were in need of child care and I thought I would offer my services to you. My name is A. and I live off Bluff & Epler in a Beazer Housing Addition. I currently provide for 4 children during the day and two other before and after school. My children's ages range from 1 to 7 years old. I currenlty have one spot available. I have listed below my information. Please feel free to write back, email me or call for more details. Hope to hear from you.

Name: A. Perrine "Precious Moments Daycare" In-Home Childcare
Location: Bluff, Epler & 37 (Harding)
Hours: 6am - 6pm Mon. - Fri.
Price: $95.00 per week full time (anything over 20 hours)
$60.00 per week part time (anything under 20 hours)
$10.00 off for siblings
I provide: Breakfast, Snacks, Lunch (No Junk Foods)
Nap from 1-3 pm, Learning, Games, Movies, Books, Etc.
You Provide: Child, Change of Clothes and Transportation
You Provide if Necessary: Diapers, Wipes, Formula, Bottles, Baby Food, if avail. Play Pin

My Information: Married, Mother of three, I run the in-home daycare and my husband works for the Marion County Sheriff's Dept. I provide a safe invironment for all children. No worries or complaints.

Should you be interested, please feel free to contact me at ____@____.com, ###-###-####, or ###-###-####. Hope to hear from you. Needing to fill this spot asap.



answers from Indianapolis on

"Little Angels Daycare" at White River Baptist Church in Greenwood on Demaree Rd. Phone number: ###-###-#### Amy Chilton is the Daycare Administrator.



answers from Indianapolis on

I have a 3.5 year old son who is staying with my sister at the moment, she watchs my son and his little girlfriend (whose mother I am good friends with). She is accepting new children, she does live in an apartment complex, but she is VERY good with kids. I am actually preg. with our second, due in January in which I will be switching to my girlfriends (who's 3 yr old daughter is with my sister) home (come March or so after my leave is up. I know it kind of sounds confusing, but if you want to send me an email I can expalin in further detail. Hope it helps!! I know how hard it is to find someone that is good with kids and that you can be totally comfortable with.




answers from Indianapolis on

Cindy Wincel at ###-###-####. She lives on Stop 11 just by Sherman Road. She is licensed and is a nurse. My son went to her and loved it! He is now in Kindergarten. If you call her, let her know that D. (Tanner's mom) sent you. In January after i am ready to go to work after the birth of my son, I will use her again!



answers from Indianapolis on

Good afternoon...I am in Greenwood off of 31 and Worthsville and currently have a couple positions open. I am a mother of 2 and stepmother to 3 , which 2 live with us. I come from a HUGE family and I have been the family sitter for many many years. I am open on the times that I am available and can work with the rates. If you are interrested you can contact me at ###-###-#### or ____@____.com.
Looking forward to hearing from you.



answers from Indianapolis on

Are you fairly close to the New Whiteland area?? If so, I take my daughter (17 months) to Daycare One off Tracey Rd & US 31. I'm please with them & they are the reasonablest that I have found in the area.. Their number is ###-###-####..Alos, for in home Daycare I know a lady by the name of Nichole off US 31 & Apryl Rd. who does daycare...Her number is ###-###-####...Either one, tell them S. F. reffered you...Also you can check craigslist.org. I always see several ads in Greenwood area for in home Daycare....Hope that helps..

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