First of all, do not worry about what other families do. As long as it is not involving you and your children, I do not like to worry about them.
I personally do not believe in set ages for milestones. This is based on my own child hood and our daughter.
. I like to look at each child and decide what they can handle. We know plenty of 16 yr olds that should not have a drivers license because they are just not responsible and cannot make good choices.
I know 12 year olds that help care for their siblings, can prepare a meal for the whole family. Do not need to be reminded about their responsibilities.
They make great grades and good choices. I have known my husband since we were 13. We used to go to the movies, out for meals, ride bikes etc.. We were very innocent.And also very mature.
If you think 16 is your child's magic number, great stick with it, BUT if an experience an opportunity or a chance to experience something special comes along n the mean time, Revisit it with your child.. He deserves to be trusted and heard if he is a good and responsible person.