Try child sign language. If your daughter is already talking this is okay. It will help distract her. She is probably very frustrated about something especially if she is not talking yet and not being able to communicate. Go to american sign language on the internet. They have a little video at the top that will show you each word. At the bottom of the website is the alphabet. Choose a letter and it will bring you to words you can choose to see the sign for that word.
I have my own daycare and all my babies are taught sign as young as 9 months depending on coordination. It is also known to help with early talking. I have a little girl now that will be 2 soon and she has started to to whine recently. I tell her to stop whining and use her hands. She usually will. She knows about 20 - 25 signs. Here are a few suggestions to get you started that will help with what she probably wants.
Help, more, please, thank you, eat, cup, milk, apple juice, cheese, hungry, tired, sad, cheese, grapes, sorry, color, paint & paper.
You will be very amazed that your daughter will know all of these by the end of the week if you work on it everyday. You can add what you want to the list of whatever words you use in your home on a regular basis. After that you can introduce colors and animals. The animals is always fun for the kids.
Good luck